Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Federal Government Commitment to Solar Energy

In January 2006, the Federal Government announced that the rebate for installing solar panels (for electricity generation) was being reduced from $8/watt (maximum of $8 000) to $4/watt (maximum of $4 000) and will be phased out by the end of 2007!

They are currently manufactured in Australia. The Federal Government, with its relentless "free tade" deals, has seen Australia's manufacturing sector shrink to about 10% of the GDP. This is the lowest of "Developed" countries, including New Zealand (NZ).

The Federal Government is currently relying heavily on minerals and energy to sustain the economy, and it is a strong supporter of the industry. The industry is a supporter of the Liberal and National Parties.

Is there a conflict of interest involved in the Federal Government's decision to abandon the solar panel rebate? Even if there is not, we should be encouraging the installation of MORE renewable energy sourses. Councils, town planners, architects and developers should be encouraged to include more renewable energy devices, especially in new housing and industrial developments.

In the meantime, contact the following to tell them you believe the solar rebate should stay:

The Analyst